Our first Guest Blogger at Sticks & Spoons is Neda - one of our first Instagram friends with a mutual interest in Streetart (and pork dishes!). Neda has a ton of great photos and captions in her feed! Also, she has kindly connected us with a lot of interesting Streetart-accounts on Instagram such as jj_urbanart for instance. If you love Streetart like we do you will enjoy "The Silo Art Trail": a kind of "off the beaten path-street art"!
We open our Street Art blog page with an inspirational story about the Silo Art Trail, Australia’s largest outdoor gallery. Stretching 200 km, the trail links six of Victoria’s smallest towns - Sheep Hills, Brim, Patchewollock, Lascelles, Roseberry, and Rupanyup, situated in the Wimmera/Mallee region.
Wheat silos have been the dominant landmark in the landscape of this region for generations. Devastating droughts and changes in agriculture led to many of the silos in the region being decommissioned over the years.
To celebrate the rich farming history of the region and re-invigorate the decommissioned silos, world-renowned street artists Julia Volchkova, Guido van Helten, Fintan Magee, Matt Adnate, Kaff-eine, and Rone, transformed the wheat silos into giant works of art, bringing thousands of new visitors to the region.
Artists: @volchkovaart
Photo credit: @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
Local residents and sports team members Ebony Baker and Jordan Weidemann were the inspiration behind the murals pained by the Russian mural artist Julia Volchkova on the metal grain storage silos in Rupanyup.
Artists: @adnate
Photo credit: @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
Sheep Hills
Completed in December 2016 and spread across six silos, indigenous-themed murals by Matt Adnate feature young Curtly McDonald and Savannah Marks, along with the Wimmera Elders Ron Marks and Regina Hood. The murals represent the passing of knowledge from generation to generation, with the starry background as a symbolic significance to the local people.
Artists: @guidovanhelten
Photo credit: @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
Painted in 2015, the iconic ‘Farmer Quartet’ by Guido van Helten was the first silo to be painted and inspired the subsequent silo art trail works. Stretching over four silos, murals are a tribute to the drought-stricken farming community of Brim.
Artists: @kaffeinepaints
Photo credit: @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
Completed in late 2017, murals on the Rosebery silos are the creation of Kaff-eine. The mural on the left pays tribute to the resilience of the region’s young female farmers. The silo on the right portrays a horseman wearing the iconic Aussie Akubra hat, Bogs boots, and an oilskin vest.
Artists: @r_o_n_e
Photo credit: @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
Artists: @r_o_n_e
Photo credit: @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
Murals in the town are Lascelles by Rone depict the local wheat farmers Geoff and Merrylin Horman looking over the rural landscape.
Artists: @fintan_magee
Photo credit: @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
The inspiration for the Patchewollock silo art was the local sheep and grain farmer, Nick ‘Noodle’ Hulland. The mural was painted in October 2016 by Brisbane-based artist Fintan Magee.
Author: Neda @virusfreak79
All Photo credit: Patrick @streetartmelbourneandbeyond
About: Silo Art Trail